Remembering to be dementia-friendly

A yellow notepad with the word Remember. Dementia friendly resources. Here are some good resources for considering people with dementia in designs. The topic of dementia can also include people with acquired brain injury and other cognitive conditions at any age. They’ve been collected from this website for ready reference. Too many good publications are soon forgotten after their launch.

Dementia Friendly Assessment Tool – a community assessment tool.

Dementia Friendly Home Design – this one from Centre for Excellence in Universal Design in Ireland – very well researched.

Age and Dementia Streetscapes Toolkit – based on participatory action research.

Dementia friendly hospitals from a universal design approach – another from Centre for Excellence in Universal Design in Ireland.

On being outdoors: How people with dementia experience and deal with vulnerabilities – a participatory research method using ‘go-along-walking’.

Designing Homes with Dementia in Mind – research from Aalborg University.

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