Smart cities include everyone and everything.

long view of a Perth city mall with shops and cafes under awnings and trees for shade. Tall buildings are in the background. Smart cities include everyone.Nabil Eid writes a thoughtful piece on how inclusion in urban environments is an investment that benefits everyone. And not just built infrastructure – it includes services and experiences. This means a collaboration across disciplines that go beyond the traditional links. The more active we are, the healthier we will stay. That’s why smart cities should include everyone and everything.

Eid says, “Such concepts apply across the entirety of built environment, including not only buildings, transport infrastructure, public space and parks, but also to key products, services and facilities that help improve the experience of movement and connectivity. [It] will involve a wide array of different types of designers, each of whom will benefit from collaborating across disciplines and working with experts in a range of technologies or on designs that extend beyond their traditional spheres of interest.”

Front cover of the article. Smart City Inclusive Society.See Eid’s comprehensive article on the need for inclusion, Smart city means building an inclusive society for all.  For text style that is easier to read, access the article via ResearchGate

Inclusive smart cities are an important opportunity to advance three aspects of a just and sustainable world. Investments in new infrastructure that creates economic benefits for all. Inclusive smart cities also advance essential rights, including decent work opportunities, and an adequate standard of living, with opportunities to participate in cultural life.

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