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At the 2024 Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors announced that they will be winding up CUDA’s operations by or before June 2025. Here is the text of the Notice to Members:

Next year, CUDA will be 10 years old. It began in April 2015 with a simple website which remains the core of our operations. Ten years is a good time for any Chair or CEO to move on. Consequently, I will be stepping down from the Board and therefore as Chair.

Given that we have not succeeded in creating sufficient revenue for paid staff to take the place of my voluntary contribution to operations, it is time to take stock of our achievements. The Board believes that CUDA has achieved, in part, the aim of creating a more inclusive world.

The response to our work indicates we have informed and supported many in the quest of our aims. Much has changed in the last 10 years, and it is time for others to carry the banner forward.

Winding up

In the absence of ongoing funding, and anyone to take on the extensive list of voluntary tasks to keep CUDA going, the Board has decided to wind up CUDA’s operations by 30 June 2025.

Meanwhile we are using the remaining time to discuss potential opportunities with other organisations to see how some of CUDA’s work might continue within their operations. Regardless, the concept of universal design will live on beyond the life of CUDA.

Surplus funds

Every financial member will have the opportunity of nominating, at a later date, an organisation to which any surplus funds might be distributed. After meeting all our financial obligations and ensuring all our creditors are paid, we expect the surplus funds to be minimal.

According to our constitution, the essential criteria for nominations are that the organisation must have DGR status and have similar objects. Directors would also prefer a small national organisation with revenue of less than $500,000

On a personal note, it has been an honour to work with so many passionate people in the quest for a more equal and inclusive society.

Jane Bringolf

Chair, and on behalf of Directors

Centre for Universal Design Australia