This toolkit about communicating with customers follows its own advice. The information is written in a straightforward way. Lots of graphics illustrate key points, and the information is very specific, such as when to write numbers as digits or as words. While the information might not be new to some, it serves as a good reviser of current practice. Designed for organisations but good for everyone.
The Customer Communications Toolkit for the Public Service – A Universal Design Approach has sections on written, verbal and digital communication. At 134 pages it is comprehensive. Each section has examples, tips, checklists and links to learn more. The intention of the toolkit is for public service planning, training and informing contractors. But of course, it works for anyone who is communicating with the public.
Previous posts have explained how screen readers work, but not the amazing things that happen to people who use them. With free screen reading software by NV Access, screen readers are now available to all who need them. This software is so successful that it’s been translated into 50 languages. This means people in developing countries can also join in everyday activities, study and get a job. The video is 12 minutes, but worth the watch because you see the value of why all websites, web pages, and document uploads should be suitable for screen readers. It’s not just about doing “good works” – it’s about expanding your employee base and customer base. Besides, our obligations under the UN Conventionrequire it. NV Access is a charity with a great story to tell.
In marketing terms, the packaging is part of the product. The package shape, colour and brand are important in enticing consumers to buy. But all too often we have to get a sharp knife, a pair of scissors and wrestle with the packaging in order to get to the product inside. Microsoft has come up with a nice solution to packaging their Xbox Adaptive Controller – a gamepad for people who might not have use of their limbs. Good thinking – no good having a nicely designed accessible product that you can’t get out of the box! The video below shows the simple but effective design. There is another video on the FastCompany website or see the engadget website. Package designers take note.
It’s all very well having web designers familiar with the accessibility requirements in their designs, but what about the people writing material for websites?
In many organisations staff write their own material and send it to the web controller for uploading. But is their writing and format also accessible? It is easy to post a document that was originally meant for another reader, such as a submission to a government body. But perhaps an Easy English version should be considered for the ease of access for all readers?
They advise that each link should clearly indicate its destination or function out of the context of the text surrounding it. The information focuses on practical advice and direction for anyone involved in web development, design and writing content. Topics covered include developing accessible data tables, using colour wisely, and writing well structured content. Writing material for websites isn’t difficult – it just takes a bit more thought about who the readers are.
WCAG and W3C might be familiar acronyms, but what do they mean? And what, if anything, you should be doing about it? No matter what your role, everyone needs to have a basic understanding. That’s because we are living in a digital age. The article, WCAG for people who haven’t read them, is a good place to start.
WCAG – Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, can a bit daunting at first. That’s because this is an international document and doesn’t translate well in all languages. The guidelines are also very long. Alan Dalton has taken away the legalese and provided a simpler and more user-friendly explanation of these guidelines. He covers text, operating the website, understanding content, ensuring the site works on all devices.
Web accessibility is becoming increasingly important as we move ever closer to reliance on computers and other internet devices. Web accessibility is not just a matter for people who are blind or have low vision.
All webpages, blog pages, or uploaded documents or pictures should be accessible. Dalton’s information is good for website managers and others who provide newsfeeds, documents and pictures for their website. Dalton’s article has links to more complex documents such as Understanding WCAG 2.0, and the Techniques for WCAG 2.0 – together they become 1,200 printed pages. The W3C – World Wide Web Consortium, released the next version, WCAG 2.1. in 2018. However, the key information remains current.
The new criteria make it easier to produce accessible content for people using mobile devices and touchscreens. People with low vision, and people with cognitive and learning disabilities are also covered. Making sure your website can be used in portrait and landscape orientation, colour contrast, graphics and the value of autocomplete are some of the features discussed.
Live captioning and sign language are also included. There are lots of links to other documents for reference. There is also a book list. This article might be non-geek for Alan Dalton, but even with some techo language you can get the gist of what is being updated even if you are not a web designer or technician. As we advance in the digital age this sort of information will be important for everyone who needs to communicate using digital technologies.
WCAG 2.2
The final recommendation for WCAG 2.2 will be made available towards the end of 2022. According to speculations, it will most likely be out in December 2022. WCAG 2.2 is not entirely a new recommendation but an updated version of WCAG 2.1.
The National Disability Authority, which funds the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design in Ireland, has produced an online Accessibility Toolkit that is targeted towards services, both public and business. The landing page has a list of topics that you can look at individually with the dropdown menu. Or you can download a Word versionto get the whole thing.
This accessibility toolkit will help make your services, buildings, information, and websites more accessible to customers with disabilities. Each of the sections below on the website has a dropdown window with all the relevant information.