Mobility Scooters in the Wild

picture of a woman on a mobility scooter trying to get under a barrier constructed to prevent vehicles and bicycles from entering the pathWhen it comes to accessibility in the built environment, wheelchair users get the most attention. Partly because the access icon looks like a wheelchair user, and partly because built environment standards are based around them. But what about users of other mobility devices? A long ramp might be no problem for a powered wheelchair user. However, walking a long ramp with a wheelie walker, or pushing a wheelchair is another matter. Mobility scooter users are another group often left out of design considerations. That’s just one issue raised in an article prepared for the UD2021 conference.

The article is titled, Mobility Scooters in the Wild: Users resilience and innovation. It is based on qualitative research. The users’ experiences are illuminating for urban planners and public works staff. It is literally where the rubber meets the road. Published online by Griffith University.

The article concludes that thoughtful attention to the planning, design and maintenance of places and spaces could minimise current obstacles to using powered mobility devices. These devices are also a low carbon transport option, but if the built environment poses barriers, it will be back to he private car or taxi. 

Pedestrians on Wheels: A new paradigm is a related topic.

From the abstract

Recent research in Australia on powered mobility device users highlights that the built environment does not cater for their inclusion. In this paper, we examine how users are co-producing urban design is performed “out in the wild”.

Electric powered mobility devices face similar legislative and regulatory issues to e-scooters and other niche innovations. The impact of climate change on energy systems is creating momentum for renewable power and smart systems. This will impact decisions and policies around electrified private and public transport infrastructure. It is important that powered mobility devices are not overlooked in planning for inter-modal electrified transport.

National and international efforts to achieve safer and more sustainable “car free” cities need to include design for powered mobility device users. This could potentially provide spaces for greater inclusivity and social integration of powered mobility device users through the design of public and private spaces.

An ageing population will encourage demand for technologies and accompanying infrastructure to facilitate mobility. Given the nexus of legality, energy, sustainability and ageing, it positions this paper’s focus as an integral linchpin to critically informed and inclusive urban design.