Equal access to information

People who can’t use the internet or complex digital tools are being left behind. This issue is often mentioned in our increasingly digital world, but is anyone taking notice? Everyone has the right to equal access to information and resources. However, this means providing information in different formats. 

According to Cathy Basterfield, we are talking about nearly two thirds of all Australian adults. Information needs to be provided in different formats to suit the different skill levels.

Graphic of a man with glasses and a beard. He is leaning on the desk with his head in his had and looking very unhappy. His laptop is open on the desk.It means designing for users who can’t: 

  • navigate two-factor authentication
  • understand how to use a one-time access code
  • read a letter or an email


And it also means making websites that work for all users – that is, those who can use it. More than 95% of high ranked websites don’t meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines – the global standard for people with disability. And that’s just their home page. 

A website is not accessible if a user has to click through six levels to find the information they need. Or if they have to navigate an intricate system, and deal with things that flash, blink or scroll. Add to that the people with low literacy skills and the number of excluded people really starts to add up. 

See the article in Medium titled, Global Accessibility Awareness day. for more information on this topic.

Social media meme. Text across top. Think online means everyone? 1 in 4 Aussies are not connected. Text across bottom. Access Easy English www.readEE.com.au. Image in middle 3 people standing together with wifi symbol over their heads. 4th man in shadow working away with empty wifi image. Equal access to information?



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