Better architecture with universal design

Numerous guidelines exist on adherence to standards, but what is designed will be used by people with diverse bodies, abilities. There is no typical user, only what is in the designer’s mind. But it isn’t just about access, it is about being inclusive. That’s where better architecture with universal design comes in.

“When thinking about accessibility in architecture, codes set the baseline, while design defines the ceiling.” Enrique Tovar

A parkland area with walking paths and grass in a city. People are walking and sitting on the grass in groups. It's better architecture.

Tovar writes in Archdaily about the application of universal design principles to create spaces that work for everyone. She discusses how to apply them to all projects – integrated and intrinsic features.

Tovar takes each of the seven classic principles of universal design and discusses them in detail. The article has lots of photos, some of which might pose some questions for dedicated followers of universal design. Nevertheless it is good to have such articles in mainstream professional magazines.

The title of the article is, How Do the 7 Principles of Universal Design Help Us Create Better Architecture?

From the summary

“While each of the principles of universal design is compelling and necessary in its own right, the real challenge for architects is to integrate them seamlessly and simultaneously into the overall design. The maxim that “the best accessibility is the one that goes unnoticed” resonates strongly in this context. Furthermore, since good architecture embodies inclusivity, it is crucial to acknowledge that accessibility is essential to this inclusiveness. If we aspire to create a society and built environment that are universally welcoming and inclusive, why not recognize that designing for everyone is a fundamental aspect of architecture?”

Inclusive: does that include disability?

Grant Maynard says that using the word ‘inclusive’ is leaving out people with disability. Racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia and transphobia are taking the spotlight. Events that celebrate the International Day of People with Disability cater specifically for people with disability. So is this a good thing on just one day of the year?

In the week of International Day of People with Disability, “I can rock up to any advertised event confidently, knowing it will be accessible and affordable.”

Banner for the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Start times, access information, wheelchair accessibility and bathroom availability will be clearly set out. Maynard says, “then, like magic, the conversations and accessibility stop.” He calls it pinkwashing for people with disabilities.

It’s a tokenistic gesture that doesn’t translate to long-term positive outcomes. One day does not make a difference in and of itself.

Maynard’s thoughts are published in QNews and the title is, All-inclusive” has become pinkwashing for disabilities.

Opportunity in neurodiverse design

When the term ‘neurodiversity’ entered our language it gave us a new world view and perspective on humanity and diversity. It challenges the notion that there is such as thing as a ‘standard’ brain. Design disciplines have seen opportunity in sustainable design. Now there is opportunity in neurodiverse design.

Workplaces should design for brains not just for bodies. But what does that look like? Big companies like Deloitte and EY are re-shaping their workplaces. Image of EY Perth office.

Perth EY office depicting opportunity for neurodiverse design.

Neurodiverse design in architecture

An article in The Fifth Estate by Catherine Carter takes up the topic of neurodiversity and architecture. Current estimates are that around 15-20 percent of the global population is neurodivergent. This means their brains process information differently from the ‘typical’ population. Consequently, they may perceive and interact differently with their surroundings.

Carter says the best designs won’t be where differences coexist, but where they are celebrated. They will include spaces that avoid harsh lighting, distracting noise and visual clutter. Flexible layout with distinct zones and quiet areas, and collaborative spaces to suit tasks and moods are also helpful. Natural elements such as plants and organic materials help reduce cognitive load.

One of the big consulting firms, EY has established 23 Neurodiverse Centers of Excellence where tech people work on complex projects. EY is also redesigning their offices with soundproof spaces, enhanced lighting and signage.

Deloitte claims to have found five key drivers that neurodivergent thinkers bring to problem solving. Cognitive diversity can drive new ideas and counter groupthink. Neurodivergent people often have intense focus to push through setbacks and overcome problems.

Building for brains not bodies

Designing for neurodivergent employees means that everyone benefits. Who doesn’t like a comfortable office with plants and soundproofing? As an AI-powered future looms, workplaces are shapeshifting again. Places need to nurture minds of employees, not just their bodies. People have more flexibility today in how and where they work. Let’s design for that and for the diversity of the population.

The title of the article is, When great minds don’t think alike: designing for neurodiversity. There are links to the work of EY and Deloitte.

Lifemark’s new website launched

Lifemark promotes universal design in housing in New Zealand. Lifemark’s new website has a fresh look but stays true to it’s core value of inclusion. Similarly to other countries, New Zealand faces strong resistance by the housing industry. However, Lifemark is making inroads slowly, but surely.

The core element of Lifemark® is their standards based on universal design principles. As they say, “Universal design is essential for many, necessary for others, and comfortable for all”. Image from iStock in Lifemark Standards

A woman, a man and a small child in a powered wheelchair sit at a dining table doing a jigsaw puzzle together. It looks like a new home.

The ABC of universal design

Lifemark’s new website continues the theme of the ABC of universal design which is, Access, Bathroom and Circulation.

Access: at least one level entry, step-free pathway and entrance.

Bathroom: well positioned toilet on the entry level with reinforced walls for later grab rails.

Circulation: spaces are easy to move between with wider doorways and hallways.

A man in a black T shirt stands at the end of the white kitchen bench. Two children are about to eat from a bowl. A woman in a white T shirt looks on. They are all smiling.

Lifemark® Design Standards

The standards are based on five key principles: Usability, Adaptability, Accessibility, Safety, and Lifetime value. There are three levels to the standard based on a star rating similar to that of Livable Housing Design Guidelines.

The three star level is based on visitable requirements and improved comfort similar to Livable Housing Silver level. The four star level offers a higher level of comfort and is suitable for ageing in place – Livable Housing Gold level. It also supports people with reduced mobility. The five star rating is specifically for wheelchair users and others with higher support needs – Livable Housing Platinum level.

Individuals can access Lifemark’s Design for Life brochure on the website by providing an email address.

Lifemark’s Case Studies

Case studies on the website cover three scenarios. The first is an example of using incentives to include universal design at the planning stage. The second is incorporating universal design into a master housing plan. The third is a case study on a retirement village development. The video below gives an occupant perspective. (Note the automatic captioning does not account for a New Zealand accent.)

Lifemark was New Zealand’s equivalent to Livable Housing Australia until they went in different directions. Livable Housing Australia discontinued its work in 2015, but the website with guidelines remained active until 2023. This was when the Livable Housing Design Standard was mandated in the National Construction Code. Lifemark merged with CCS Disability Action and continues promote universal design in housing.

One thing they shared in common was the absolute resistance for change from the housing industry lobby.

Livable Housing Australia

The Australian Building Codes Board adopted most of the Livable Housing Design Silver level in the National Construction Code in 2022. It is known as the Livable Housing Design Standard. Queensland was the first jurisdiction to adopt the Standard followed by ACT and Victoria. Other jurisdictions have either watered down the elements, or in the case of NSW and Western Australia they have refused to adopt the Standard.

The power of the housing industry lobby, not to be confused with ordinary developers and builders, over the political process is obvious. This was pointed out in a recent study by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute.

The story of getting the Australian Building Codes Board to incorporate universal design into housing into the National Construction code is told by Ward and Bringolf. This paper is from the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Universal Design.

Older people in the media

Words matter. Our perceptions, beliefs and attitudes are shaped by the words we see and hear. The media relies on words for their work which has the power to influence, uphold or denigrate. Journalists must check their words for perpetuating stereotypes that harm, albeit unintentionally. The ageing sector must do the same. Yes, even older people perpetuate stereotypes in the language they use too.

The Australian Human Rights Commission has produced a report on how the media reports on ageing and older people.

“How we view the world and those around us is largely shaped by what we read, what we hear and what we watch. Media informs how we see
and treat others, and even how we see and treat ourselves.”
Robert Fitzgerald AM, Age Discrimination Commissioner

Front cover of the report. Shaping Perceptions: How Australian Media Reports on Ageing. By the Human Rights Commission.

Ageism is one of the most socially accepted forms of prejudice in Australia. The media industry and the age sector must improve the accuracy, quantity and quality of coverage of the issues.

Image from the report showing a bank of screens and monitors and a woman sitting looking at them. There is a keyboard on the desk.

In the video below, Robert Fitzgerald explains that the overwhelming portrayal of older people is in the negative. This is particularly so when talking about health and aged care. The framing is that of a burden on society without recognising how this language impacts older people themselves. It also impacts policy-makers and private enterprise when it comes to providing goods and services.

Positive portrayals can also stereotype

The media and marketing professionals like to segment the population into age groups. They assume people in these age groups all have something in common or behave in a particular way. They also assume that each group is different from each other and have little in common. This is stereotyping. Even positive stereotyping is harmful especially when pitting older and younger cohorts against each other.

Highlighting a few prominent older Australians as being highly productive or contributing to society is portrayal by exception. It is only their age that makes it a story. For example a woman of 90 years, usually described as a “grandmother” taking a parachute jump. The only other time parachute jumpers make the news is if their parachute failed.

Ageing is not a charity case any more

Ageing and aged care left the charity model last century, but some aspects linger on. For example, special weeks or international days for older people only serve to perpetuate stereotypes and patronise. Stereotyping behaviour is difficult to overcome – it’s ingrained into our culture.

Key findings from the report

There are known and real issues with Australian media portrayals of ageing and older people. The prevailing narrative is of decline, frailty and vulnerability. Their everyday lived experience is invisible to the media.

Australian media representations reflect a broader mainstream culture that undervalues older people. Their issues are often regarded as ‘less than’ those affecting other groups.

The culture of undervaluing older people underpins media industry drivers. Some of these briefly include:

  • Lack of access to subject matter experts – people who can speak on ageing
  • Invisibility of age withing the diversity and inclusion space
  • Time, resources and lack of experienced journalists
  • Business drivers and ‘click bait’ nature of reporting especially around intergenerational tensions.
An older woman sits in an armchair. She is wearing a purple knitted jacket and is smiling into the camera. Ageing is ordinary.

The report reviews current knowledge and evidence on age and ageing and the way Australia media presents it. The title of the full report is, Shaping Perceptions: How Australian Media Reports on Ageing. There is also a summary report with the findings and opportunities for change. Even advocates for older people can fall into the trap of using language that patronises or emphasises ‘specialness’.

See also Ageing is ordinary and also Ageism, Attitudes and Stereotypes.

Spaces for all ages

Urban landscape with shade trees and lots of casual seating with people sitting.

Viewing older people through the prism of health and disability ignores their continuing contribution to society.  The 2015 Intergenerational Report talks of the ‘three Ps’ – population, participation and productivity. But where is the fourth P – policy? 

Emily Millane discusses the issues of ageism, employment and social participation in a percapita report. She asks, where is the fourth P, policy, and argues we need policies to overcome age discrimination in all its forms. This includes the design of public spaces, parks and streets. Urban design plays an important role here. It needs to capture all ages and foster interaction between generations. This strategy might be easier than changing community attitudes in the short term.

Older people are considered lesser value than others – something highlighted by the Royal Commission into Aged Care. By perpetuating the idea of being less capable or being a burden on society affects attitudes that are hard to shift. It also affect attitudes older people have about themselves.

The report is titled, Spaces for All Ages: policies for an inclusive Australia.

This report follows on from The head, The Heart and The House

A public toilet is a human right

Most people can stall their hunger or thirst for a while, but some people find their bladder and bowels are more demanding. Access to clean usable public toilets are essential for everyone, but their designs are often lacking.

Joe Manton writes about the issues of gender inclusive toilets in the Spring 2024 issue of Access Insight.

All gender restroom sign. Black background with white text and icons.

A previous post discussed the assumptions underpinning the assignment of gender neutral toilets. Manton provides a more detailed perspective using the lived experience of people. Here is a sample of the topics covered. 

Toilet anxiety and security

Public toilet anxiety can arise for different reasons. For some it is a phobia about being able to use the toilet or being too far from one. For others it’s a fear of having an accident in public, other people hearing you, cleanliness, or sharing a space with others. 

Gender diversity

People who are gender diverse often lack access to a safe public toilet. They can be ridiculed, abused, threatened or assaulted if they use single gendered toilets. Consequently, something as basic as going to the toilet can cause increased levels of anxiety and depression.

When forced to use all gender toilets, women feel unsafe, and men feel constrained in their interactions with women in this public space. Social and cultural perspectives also impact the way people feel about using public toilets. 

Toilet wait times

The USA Potty Parity movement says that in busy facilties, women can wait up to 34 times longer than men. They also have to spend more time than men. Time to remove clothing, and at times, deal with feminine hygiene, see to children or help an older relative.  

What the standards say

The current status of the National Construction Code includes mandated requirements for sanitary facilities. Depending on the building classification it includes, male, female, ambulant male, ambulant female, unisex accessible, and accessible adult change facilities. 

There is no mandated requirement for all gender toilets, baby change areas, and assistance animal relief areas. 

Manton argues that there is convincing evidence to retain separate male and female toilets. Being trans or non-binary is not a disability and some feel uncomfortable about using an accessible toilet. It also signals to others that their identity is in some way a disabling condition. In a way, it is, because without suitable facilities they are disabled by design. 

Unisex accessible toilets

The number of unisex accessible toilets in buildings according to the Construction Code is based on disability. It does not account for the number of other people who need to use this facility. Often a baby change table is installed, so parents with prams and small children also use them. 

Manton provides detailed information in the article about standards and discusses all gender toilets in detail. She also covers toilet design considerations and proposed amendments to the Construction Code. 

The title of the article is, It’s a Right to go to the toilet – Not a Privilege. This is an update to the previous article in 2021 All gender toilets: We just want to go to the toilet.

A gender neutral toilet sign with a graphic of the top half of a person and a graphic of a wheelchair user. The text says this facility is for everyone.See also the excellent discussion by Nicole Kalms and Laura McVey in Commentary on Let Us Pee.

They argue “the proposed legislative changes for the provision of ‘all gender’, ‘gender-neutral’ or ‘unisex’ toilets operate under an incorrect assumption that gender neutrality will lead to greater inclusion”.

Wellbeing by design

Imogen Howe writes that wellbeing goes beyond the physical and mental health of an individual. It is a holistic concept of health and wellness. It encompasses social connectedness, belonging and inclusion and the ability to contribute meaningfully to society. Wellbeing is also about feeling valued and respected, and environmental contextual factors such as connection to community and place. She explains wellbeing by design as:

“The relationship between the built environment and wellbeing is well known. But, when it comes to wellbeing, buildings and urban spaces frequently disappoint people with disabilities by being inaccessible, stigmatising, creating the feeling of being out-of-place, a misfit in places you have a fundamental right to be in.” Signs such as the one pictured, say that “we didn’t think about you in our design”.

A sign with the international symbol for access, blue backgound and white text and graphics. The text says, access at side of building with an arrow pointing the way. Article Wellbeing by design.

Exclusion of people with disability because the problem arises from older buildings is no excuse. Howe says building upgrades are essential when considering the barriers beyond access standards. She says that designers must consider psychological and emotional aspects of wellbeing as well. It’s more than just getting into a building.

Howe also says that designers must be respectful of users’ energy and time. People with disability and/or long term health conditions have less energy available to them each day. It takes longer to do basic tasks, so they also have less time to spare. The built environment can whittle away, bit by bit, precious energy and time so there is nothing left for fun things.

The title of the article is Wellbeing for Whom? and published by the Australian Institute of Architects magazine, Architecture Bulletin.

What do you think accessibility means? Does it mean compliance with AS1428.1 or the ability to enter a building and spaces within it? Is it about usability? Even if it means all these things, the word accessibility is too limited to encompass all the considerations for people with disabilities…

Imogen Howe, Wellbeing for Whom?

Home designs for living

Designs 4 Living is a magazine by Todd Brickhouse in the US with a focus on home designs for people with disability and older adults. The latest issue covers a wide variety of design solutions. They include home lighting, bathroom and kitchen trends, home workplaces and cognitive and sensory solutions.

Front cover of Designs 4 Living showing a sunset over a lake with birds flying above.

Lighting the home

As we get older our vision degrades and in many instances and higher levels of illumination become more important. However, it’s important to avoid glare and “pooling” of light. Indirect light sources such as recessed lighting under and over cabinets is good. LED lighting uses less power and lasts much longer.

Different scenarios for different rooms in the home are presented in the article along with a useful list of terms used for lighting and illumination. There is a link to a free guidebook to lighting the whole house.

Bathroom trends

Making a bathroom safe and accessible is just the beginning – why not make it look stylish too. That’s the content of the article by Mike Foti. While white tiles are still popular, light wood grains have gained popularity and come as tiles and panels. Flooring can provide the necessary visual contrast to the walls and fittings. Shower and bathroom treatments that don’t involve grout are a bonus. The article has more with links to useful solutions.

Cognitive and sensory solutions

Shelly Rosenberg is an interior designer with ADHD and her article is framed around 8 human senses. We all learned the five senses at school but we need to add Vestibular, Proprioception and Interoception. She begins with vision and the quality of light and level of visual ‘busyness’.

Smell is about air quality, fragrance, memory and mood. Building materials and furnishings can give off toxic gasses. Controlling moisture temperature and using air filters and purifiers are some of the solutions. Rosenberg goes through all 8 senses

Gen X and Baby Boomer needs

This article explores the divergent needs of Generation X and Baby Boomers as they age. Marketing professionals like to label different age groups, but the old labels for older adults don’t gel with Gen X. Indeed, why should older people wear a label at all? And terms such as Silver Tsunami present older people as a burden. An interesting discussion.

The Summer edition 2024 of Designs 4 Living also has items on pets, and workplaces.

Architects have a creative responsibility

A creative workshop scene. A woman is holding a pair of scissors, another is holding a pen over paper.An article in Architecture and Design magazine makes the point that architects have a creative responsibility to ensure designs are not just accessible but also inclusive and future proofed. In most cases renovating a building to be accessible costs significantly more than making the building accessible from new. Consequently, it makes economic sense to make places and spaces inclusive from the beginning.

There are three easy changes architects can make to their design process to make more inclusive places and spaces. First, involve people with disability and other marginalised groups in the design phase. In other words, co-design.

Co-designing with a diversity of building users is an essential element of a universal design approach. Architects get to understand the challenges and barriers as well as the solutions that come from this process. The second change is to look beyond access consultants.

Access consultants typically focus on regulatory compliance to make sure they meet standards. However, if given more scope, they can also provide solutions beyond the standards within a co-design process. The third change is to avoid exaggerating the design challenges.

The co-design process brings practical solutions to the table that are often outside the usual architectural ideas about universal design. For example, the cost of a ramp can be saved if it can be designed out.

The article concludes, “Ultimately, the true measure of architectural excellence lies not just in the beauty of the structures we create but the lives changed by making accessibility non-negotiable”. 

The title of the magazine article is, How architects can help create a more inclusive Australia.

Some background research

a series of black icons on white background depicting people of all shapes and sizes, including a baby in a stroller, a person with a can and a wheelchair user.A research project by Ielegems and Vanrie compared the costs of new-build with renovation. They found that both have costs but they are significantly lower for new-builds. The aim of their study was to find a research method to calculate the cost of universal design. Their paper is necessarily technical and covers different types of public buildings. The findings vary according to the scale of each building. 

However, economic arguments usually favour the users of the building and not the builders and developers. Consequently, going beyond compliance becomes a political and ethical decision rather than an economic one.

The title of the article is, The cost of Universal Design for public buildings: Exploring a realistic, context dependent research approach. It is covered in more detail in a previous post and was cited and downloaded from the CUDA website for the magazine article above.


Ageing in place, ageing and place

A fireside, a hot drink in a mug and slippered feet up on the recliner.Ageing in place and ageing and place are intertwined but distinct. Both place and home need to support people as they age – one is insufficient without the other. Generally, ageing in place means ‘staying put’. That can mean the staying in the same home or staying in the same community or neighbourhood. 

Research with older people suggests that ageing in place is more nuanced than just a home or neighbourhood. It’s also about personal and cultural values, priorities and connections to people and places. It is layered with social, material and symbolic meaning. And it’s about having choices about where and how to age. 

Janine Wiles and Tara Coleman found that older people valued highly the ability to have choices about their living arrangements and access to services. Familiarity and connections brought a sense of belonging and security. 

Meaning of home

Housing is basically an infrastructure concept whereas home is where personal routines and interactions take place. This is what brings meaning. This is why we become attached to places. Wiles and Coleman found that this sense of attachment has positive functional, physical and mental health outcomes all contributing to wellbeing. 

Home maintenance

The ability to carry out maintenance tasks contributes to attachment. However, when these tasks become difficult, either through ability or financial constraints, the sense of home is disrupted. Homes in disrepair are not only hazardous but lessen the attachment to the home. 

‘Home and aging’ by Wiles and Coleman is a chapter in Handbook on Aging and PlaceEditors are Malcolm Cutchin and Graham D Rowles. It is available for purchase from ElgarOnline. 

Chapter Introduction

Home is a concept both underpinning and animated by ideas about ‘aging in place’ and experiences of place and aging. Home is an important resource during older age. At a time when people typically face changes and challenges, having a secure sense of home and strong attachment to place can give a sense of agency, autonomy, and resilience. A sense of home is intricately entwined with our preferred sense of who we are, and with how we build and sustain relationships with others and with places. Conversely, disruption to the sense of home can create instability and accentuate the feeling of being ‘at the end of life’ or of vulnerability and fragility.