Architecture and dementia

Architecture can be a powerful tool for supporting people living with dementia. That is, if it is designed with this group in mind. A special issue of Architectural Science Review consists of articles about people living with dementia. The articles have a medical flavour, especially those focused on residential care design. 

The lead article is Architectural design gives hope for dementia. The author explains that this special edition is dedicated to an exploration of evidence-based and theoretical approaches to design. Architecture is not just the setting for care, but a critical part of the complexity surrounding dementia. 

Front cover of the World Alzheimer Report 2020: Design Dignity Dementia Report.A manifesto

introduces the values of dignity, autonomy, independence and equality. The manifesto has a short list of values followed by ten design principles. It follows the recommendations from the Alzheimer’s Disease International World Alzheimer’s Report 2020. Open access. 

You can download the World Alzheimer Report from the website.

Design assessment

A design assessment tool for layout planning in residential care for dementia discusses design that can reduce symptoms and improve wellbeing. The authors’ assessment tool provides an evidence-based means of assessing layout planning quality. The authors challenge some of the existing published information used by architects. Open access.

Socio-spatial relationships in design of residential care homes for people living with dementia diagnoses presents a grounded theory approach. The study challenges generalisations of occupants in care homes and focuses on lived experiences. Ethical and methodological issues are discussed and the authors recommend more research to enable co-design methods. Open access. 

Hospital design

Towards human-centred general hospitals: the potential of dementia-friendly design focuses on people with dementia in hospital. The needs of patients with dementia are poorly understood. Therefore, a stay in hospital can increase functional decline. This paper discusses a special care unit specifically to treat people with dementia. This includes a focus on dementia-friendly design. This paper requires institutional access for a free read. 

 You can find similar papers when checking out the links to the papers above.


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