Panel session: Economics of Inclusion

Ro Coroneos head and shoulder shotThe conference concluded with a panel session discussing the economics of inclusion.

Ro Coroneos from Lendlease explained the process they used for Barangaroo South, a major development on the foreshore of Sydney Harbour. Working with Australian Network on Disability they consulted community representatives to create comfortable, convenient and attractive spaces and places in the development.

Ms Coroneos said that making the place fully accessible was often in the details, such as seats with armrests and lighting in strategic places to read signs. Lendlease has produced a handbook which is being used to help other sections of Lendlease improve their design processes. Ms Coroneos said it makes good business sense to attract and keep as many people as possible in the precinct – it’s not just about people with disability themselves, it is also about the friends and family who accompany them on outings.

sally coddingtonSally Coddington advises businesses on ways to attract and retain customers by being disability friendly. She regularly counters the argument that the number of people with disability is small, “People say that 20% of Australians identifying as having a disability is a small market. I don’t call that small”, she said. By the time you add in the rest of the family, or friends in a group, you are looking at more like 50% to 60% of the population. Strategies based on universal design stimulate business growth, enhance customer loyalty, generate goodwill and improve profit.

Kelly VincentThe Hon Kelly Vincent expressed her frustration about how others keep saying that inclusion and universal design costs too much. No-one talks about the costs of NOT designing for inclusion. There are knock-on effects to health and well-being, let alone the convenience for everyone of getting out and about. And it is not just about the built environment, inclusive customer service still has a long way to go. Kelly’s aim is to do herself out of a job – she looks forward to the day when having a disability “is not a full time job”.

Paul Nunnari head and shoulders pic.Paul Nunnari began his presentation with the great UK advertisement promoting the Paralympic Games in Rio; Yes I Can:  We are the Superhumans. The full length video clip shows people playing musical instruments, participating in track and field events, swimming, dancing, singing, and generally doing many things most people would be unable to think about, let alone attempt. As the inclusive events manager for the NSW Dept of Premier and Cabinet, Mr Nunnari explained how NSW has improved access and inclusion for everyone in major events such as New Year’s Eve and Vivid Sydney. These events bring money to NSW, and it is essential to capture as many customers, visitors, and revellers as possible. If a wheelchair user or blind person cannot get around easily, the rest of the family will stay home too and watch it on TV.

In summary, panelists provided good arguments and evidence that ignoring 20% of the population is poor business practice and poor policy development. However, the biggest drawback is that no-one seems to be listening.

Transcripts of panel discussion

Picture shows Mandy at her stenographer machine composing the live captioning at the conferenceThe transcript, with some minor edits, presents four different perspectives: property development, marketing, politics, and event management. There were many questions from delegates and these are also included. The panellists gave great examples and statistics to promote the economic argument and some take-home messages. The session was chaired by Nick Rushworth, and Mandy was the captioner (pictured).

Download the complete transcript in Word or in PDF.  

Download separately by speaker: Ro Coroneos, Sally Coddington, Kelly Vincent, Paul Nunnari, and the Q&A Session.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Logo of the Ed Media and Technology conference proceedingsHere are links to four published papers on universal design for learning (UDL) from Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2016 in Canada. The papers will be of interest to education academics and researchers.

Some articles will require institutional access. Here are the links to the abstracts: 

Getting Them Excited: Designing an online course based on the ARCS Model to encourage attention, relevance, confidence and student satisfaction in a general educational humanities class.

Abstract: A required general educational humanities class can often create a lot of first day student questions of, “Why do I Have to Take This Class?” This presentation showcases best practices in creating an engaging, relevant online course.

Based on the principles of John Keller’s (2010) ARCS method of motivational design for learning and performance, the course curriculum is designed to generate and sustain attention, establish and support relevance to the learner, build the confidence of the learner and manage outcomes for satisfaction. All of these increase learner motivation, leading to a greater mastery of the subject matter and ultimately achieving the goals of the course objectives.

Participants will leave the session with practical tools in interaction, collaboration, and assessments which can be immediately applied to their own courses. The main goal of the session is to encourage new ways and ideas for getting students excited about the humanities in an online learning environment.

Using Multimedia Solutions for Accessing the Curriculum Through a UDL Lens.

Abstract: Universal design for learning (UDL) is a conceptual framework that looks how one provides instruction for all students. At the core of UDL is the premise that the curriculum is often inaccessible. Thus, the materials and lesson that support the curriculum is not flexible, often poses barriers, and as a result prevents rather than supports optimal learning experiences. However, a stumbling block in incorporating UDL ideas what and how can they be incorporated into a teacher’s pedagogy?

This session will provide participants with ideas and actual means of using UDL strategies using easy to use multimedia programs that facilitate the ideals of multiple means of representation, expression and engagement.

Theoretical Framework Regarding the Usability of Augmented Reality in Open and Distance Learning Systems.

Abstract: Open and Distance Learning (ODL) systems require the use of new and unique technological mediums, and are strengthened this way. Augmented Reality (AR) is an innovative medium which is defined as enriching objects and locations in the physical world using artificial elements. AR, which is applied through various hardware and software components, can also be used in ODL mediums.

However there has not been much research into the usability of this medium. Within this context, benefitting from dimensions of the Universal Design Principles (UDP) and ODL, a theoretical framework would be a useful guide. In this study, the term AR is first defined and its usage areas are investigated. Then we look at studies in which AR and ODL systems are associated. And in the last section, we provide an explanation of UDP and construct the theoretical framework of the study.

Designing Universal Access for Open and Distance Learning through Human Centered Ecological Design (HCED).

Abstract: Open and Distance Learning (ODL) has become an original version of a system contributed with advanced communications technologies. At the core of the system concept, which brought together in order to achieve a common goal, the important point is the common properties and the integrity of the interactive parts to each other as well as the continuity and viability of this integrity.

Before trying to solve, Human Centered Ecological Design (HCED) requires a design approach that incorporates trying to understand the system with particular challenges. The main purpose of this research is to determine the HCED based design recommendations for a living, efficient and sustainable ODL system.

This is qualitative case study. Eleven participants agreed to complete the required three rounds of the survey. The findings helps to build an approach for interactive, efficient, rich and innovative ODL experiences through HCED in the framework universal access principles.

Social role of design

Front cover of the Elisava journal“The aim is not to come up with ground-breaking ideas, but ideas that work, that are useful to others and can be implemented”. At the heart of this statement is human-centred industrial design. Examples of success stories by Morer, Rodriguez-Ferradas and Cazon are not about universal design per se, but are examples of including people in designs who are often left out.

The examples include a wheelchair for table tennis players, and an infant warmer as an alternative to an incubator where there is no electricity. The article concludes by claiming that young designers are living in an increasingly complex world and becoming more socially aware. Therefore they can reflect this in their designs. Perhaps the challenge is for established teachers and lecturers in the discipline?

The title of the article is, The social role of design: Industrial Design is a holistic approach for problem solving. The article is published in English in a Spanish design publication, Elisava Temes de Disseny.

Showing three views of a wheelchair for table tennis players

Building a new home – a wheelchair user’s perpective

Steve’s Story.

A two storey home. Steve's story of building a new home - a wheelchair user's perspective.This is the fourth and last in the series of stories about wheelchair users building a new home. Steve is married with two children and tells his story about building a two storey project home. Similarly to George, he had to make compromises when the builder failed to deliver on promises. However, when allowed to speak directly with tradespeople, some of the problems were easily solved.

Download the synopsis of Steve’s Story

Mike’s Story

living room udI interviewed four wheelchair users who had recently built a home as part of my PhD research project. I was interested in the process and the interaction with house-building professionals. In coming newsletters I will feature the other three interviews. Mike tells how he engaged an architect because he had little confidence in a project home builder understanding what he wanted. However, this did not result in plain sailing.

Download Mike’s story

George’s Story

modern-patioGeorge who comes from a family of builders. He relates his experiences with a project home builder and how he had to overcome resistance to incorporating basic access features.

Download a synopsis of George’s story

Tomas and Lisa’s Story.

Modern shower recess with easy access. Wheelchair user's perspective. Tomas tells his story about designing a home for two wheelchair users and their children. Unlike Mike, Tomas and Lisa had an easier time. Tomas also provides some comparisons with Europe.

Download the synopsis of Tomas’ Story

A builder’s perspective

Twostoreyframeand housesThis is Sam’s story. As part of my PhD research project I interviewed a family member who built a home for a relative who uses a wheelchair. It transpired he was also a builder. The interview shows that being a builder with a family member with a disability does not always make for a better understanding of when and where regulations apply. It also shows how misunderstood the whole area of accessibility, public domain standards and housing design can get mixed up. 

Download Sam’s story

I interviewed four wheelchair users who had recently built a home as part of my PhD research project. I was interested in the process and the interaction with house-building professionals.

Jane Bringolf, Website Editor

Is UD measurable in the planning context?

A building interior with lines on the floor. Is UD measureable?
Wayfinding was an issue.

Lindsay Perry posed this question at the ACAA/UD conference held in Melbourne October 2015.  In this presentation she provides examples that relate to the classic seven principles of universal design. The second part of her presentation contains a quick survey of friends, family and work colleagues. She asked them, “When you go out for the day, what is the main thing you rely on to be able to travel through and navigate the built environment? What irritates you?”

The responses all related to wayfinding – knowing where you are and having signs that make sense. Download the PDF of the presentation here

Universal Design – Sport and Recreation Facilities

Evan WilkinsonEvan Wilkinson outlines the process that Sport and Recreation Victoria went through to bring about a better understanding of the principles of universal design.

One of his key arguments is that if universal design principles are considered at the outset, the cost implications are low. However, if left until later in the design and construction process, the cost of ‘adding on’ access features is far more costly. Download the PDF of the PowerPoint Slideshow (5.5 MB) for more on UD and sport and recreation facilities.

Sport and Recreation Victoria have also launched their Design for Everyone Guide. The link takes you to the website that also has a very useful video on universal design shown below.

Zoo signage everyone can understand

The sign says Please do not feed the animalsMichael D W Richards presents an interesting article on the need to standardize zoo signage so that everyone can understand, particularly DO NOT FEED signs. He concludes,

“To achieve this goal they should utilise a design which is reliant on both imagery and text to convey a message, with imagery at the forefront of the design. A human hand, an item of food and an image of an animal should be displayed. … When imagery and text is displayed on feeding restriction signs, all visitors benefit. This form of provision should not be seen as excessively catering for the needs of marginal groups. Rather it should be viewed as an approach that represents a heterogeneous society, increasing access to information and enjoyment for all, through engaging signage.”

The title of this article is Designing Accessible ‘Do Not Feed’ Signs for Zoological Gardens. It is part of a series about zoo accessibility.

Photos or Pictograms?

elephant-5What kind of signs inform and appeal to zoo visitors most? This was an answer Richards at wanted to know. Using qualitative and quantitative research methods he found the answer. It seems the photographic signs were most popular, but that is not the whole story.

The title of the article is, Directional Zoological Signage Image Preferences: An Inclusive Design Perspective


Universal design, social sustainability and design

Icons for accessibility .An article focused on the social dimension of sustainability says that universal design is the way to go. It argues that there are promising results for a better future for social sustainability. In doing so, it presents universal design in all its formats in a clear and informed way. The way in which universal design is presented and discussed has particular clarity. For example, 

“Universal design is always accessible, but because it integrates accessibility from the beginning of the design process, it is less likely to be noticeable.

Universal design sometimes employs adaptable strategies for achieving customization, but it is best when all choices are presented equally. Some universal design is transgenerational, but the approach is inclusive of more than just age-related disabilities.

Universal design is sometimes adaptable and sometimes transgenerational but always accessible. Universal design, adaptable design, and transgenerational design are all subsets of accessible design. Sometimes a design can be considered to be two of these subsets, and some designs are all three. Not all accessible design is universal. Universal design is the most inclusive and least stigmatizing of the three types of accessible design because it addresses all types of human variation and accessibility is integrated into design solutions.”

The paper concludes that design schools should include the philosophy of universal design throughout their education program.

The title of the article is Applying Universal Design concept in interior design to reinforce the Social dimension of sustainability.  While the explanations of universal design are clear, the paper enters into technical areas that are not so easy to read. There are photos to illustrate points.

Tehran case study

A distance view of the city of Tehran showing high rise buildings and mountains in the background. Social sustainability and universal design.
Tehran city

Despite of the number of people injured in the Iran-Iraq war, and legislation for accessibility, urban spaces in Tehran still have a long way to go.

Hence this article outlining research on finding solutions for increasing access in the built environment. The research asks: What is causing inefficiency in the regulation of universal design, why is social participation by people with disabilities limited, and which factors are contributing to universal design? It seems the issues are worldwide regardless of whether the population is affected by war. 

The title of the article is, Universal Design and Social Sustainability in the City: The Case Study of Tehran Iran. 

From the abstract

The main goal of this research is finding solutions for increasing social interaction and greater participation of people with disabilities in public spaces by applying universal design.

The consequences show that many of problems are rooted in cultural issues. The people must attend to disability as a public concern which can involve everybody. They must comprehend that all members of society, regardless of their physical condition, have the right to use public facilities independently.

The second problem is related to lack of any integrated approach to applying universal design. This research proposes some solutions such as preparation a universal design master plan, an integrated approach for implementation project in all organizations, and public education for improving citizens’ knowledge about universal design.

The article is from the conference proceedings of: Universal Design 2016, Learning from the Past – Designing for the Future.  It is open access.


Camp Manyung and universal design

a person in a wheelchair is on the flying fox highlighting universal design at Camp Manyung.
Cloudrider on zipline

Camp Manyung in Victoria is leading the way by universally designing everything. The excellent video below shows how the application of universal design principles throughout the design of the camp facilities bring about the inclusiveness that is the aim of universal design. Universal design principles are also applied to camp activities, and staff attitudes and communication. Find out more about universal design at Camp Manyung.

The camp is run by YMCA on behalf of Sport and Recreation Victoria that also has a Design for Everyone Guide. The video below explains more about Camp Manyung. 

There is no legislation within Australia to guide the design of sporting or leisure activities that enable participation by everyone at a level that suits them. Sport and Recreation Victoria have embraced the principles of universal design to make all their camps and activities inclusive. The accessible high ropes course shows that anything is possible.

Integrating universal design into camp activities

Sport and Recreation Victoria and YMCA want to increase awareness and applicability of universal design in residential camps. The image shows how any one can enjoy the flying fox on the “Skyrider”.  They have produced a report, Universal Design: Integrating the Principles into Camp Activities. The report outlines ways in which environments, activities and programs within residential camps can be used by everyone. It shows how to apply universal design to all aspects of camp activities.

Universal Design: Camps and Consultation 

What are the best practice methods for consulting with users to implement universal design? image shows people putting block of wood together to create a towerProbably there is no one-size fits all. The literature review highlights projects that attempted to achieve universal design or user-centred design by consulting with users throughout the design process.

The case study techniques included the full participation of users in the design process, the use of hidden cameras, observation, focus groups, scaled cardboard models and 3-D virtual environments. Some important considerations for consulting with users are raised in the literature. The title of the review is Universal Design: Camps & Consultation.

Communicating at Camp Manyung

We all like to get our message across. Communication access is just as important as physical access. So what are the communication barriers that some people face? It might be reading, understanding spoken language or having difficulties speaking. So the way that signs and written communication are designed are as important as well-trained staff. 

Camp Manyung has increased their level of inclusiveness by gaining communication accreditation from SCOPE. Reception staff and activity staff can now communicate with everyone throughout the camp experience. Staff wear the international communication symbol so that they are easily recognised by visitors. SCOPE has videos that show how a person trained in communication access uses their skills. 


Universal Access is not Universal Design

UD Conference headerMark Relf traced the history of disability access and universal design in Australia. His presentation, Universal Access is not Universal Design, provided an excellent context to the position of universal design today. The transcript of his presentation is included in the Panel session on Day 2 of the conference:   Panel Session Day 2 PDF.

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