Australian Disability Network has created a fun video on employing people with disability. The messages are easy to take in especially with the humour – both presenters are stand-up comedians with disability. It’s all part of a campaign titled, “Choose Inclusion”.
The title of the fun six minute video is, It’s Not Hard to be Inclusive with the hashtag #RemoveBarriers. The film was created after consultation with people with disability.
Australian Disability Network will share case studies, articles, workplace tips, and fact sheets in the weeks leading up to December 3. The aim is for organisations to remove employment barriers for people with disability. Of course, the information is good for older employees too. The Choose Inclusion campaign resources are available to ADN members.
The presenters have fun with some of the common misconceptions about disability and then provide some interesting facts. So, a really good video to share with HR departments and managers responsible for recruiting.
The campaign resources include:
- Inclusive communications
- Inclusive access
- Inclusive recruitment
- Workplace adjustments
- Inclusive attitudes

There are some basic resources on the ADN website that are open access.
Australians will be invited to share their own stories and tips to choose inclusion across social media, using the hashtags #ChooseInclusion #RemoveBarriers and #IDPwD2024. Australian Disability Network was previously known as Australian Network on Disability. They focus on engaging and educating employers.