Inclusive Towns: business, tourism and employment

Front cover of the Inclusive Towns Guide.The Inclusive Towns project was about increasing the participation and inclusion of people with disability as customers and employees in small business. The project was a partnership between the City of Greater Bendigo, Loddon Shire & Mount Alexander Shire in Victoria. Initially, the project was supported by a website, but this has been replaced by the Inclusive Towns Guide. The booklet has information business, tourism and employment. Three key areas are inclusive communication, physical environment and disability awareness. The guide is about:

• Why Inclusive Towns is important for your business
• Your legal responsibilities
• Disability statistics
• Tips on how your business can be more accessible and inclusive
• How you can use the Inclusive Towns logo
• Where you can go to get more information

A wheelchair user enters the frame on the left hand side. The background is a blurred out cafe setting.

You can find more articles on accessible and inclusive tourism on this website.