The Home is for Every Body

Front cover of the thesis showing four pictures of homes and apartments along with the title of the thesis
The Home is for Every Body?

Rachelle Newman‘s Masters thesis provides some valuable insights into some of the issues in creating accessible homes. Although it was written in 2010, the content is still relevant as little, if any, change has occurred in the house-building industry.

The thesis is well researched, well written and well presented. It discusses the role of Livable Housing Australia, Landcom Guidelines, national standards, state planning instruments, and legislative frameworks. The section covering the relationship between the adaptable housing model and the universal design model is very useful for anyone confused by it. Tables and photographs add to the explanations throughout. The title of the thesis is: The home is for every body? An investigation of the statutory and strategic planning implications of inclusive housing design.

Abstract excerpt: Through qualitative research and a critical review of legislative and policy frameworks, this thesis explores the employment of two types of inclusive design – adaptable and universal – in Australia wide and NSW contexts. The research reveals how a lack of coordination at the national level has resulted in a divergence of approaches and interpretation between states. … This thesis offers an understanding of the planning implications of inclusive housing design so that better policy and legislation may be developed.

Editor’s note: We may get progress in 2018. The Australian Building Codes Board has been charged with the task of overseeing a Regulatory Impact Assessment of accessible housing. See previous post about this.