Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Logo of the Ed Media and Technology conference proceedingsHere are links to four published papers on universal design for learning (UDL) from Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2016 in Canada. The papers will be of interest to education academics and researchers.

Some articles will require institutional access. Here are the links to the abstracts: 

Getting Them Excited: Designing an online course based on the ARCS Model to encourage attention, relevance, confidence and student satisfaction in a general educational humanities class.

Abstract: A required general educational humanities class can often create a lot of first day student questions of, “Why do I Have to Take This Class?” This presentation showcases best practices in creating an engaging, relevant online course.

Based on the principles of John Keller’s (2010) ARCS method of motivational design for learning and performance, the course curriculum is designed to generate and sustain attention, establish and support relevance to the learner, build the confidence of the learner and manage outcomes for satisfaction. All of these increase learner motivation, leading to a greater mastery of the subject matter and ultimately achieving the goals of the course objectives.

Participants will leave the session with practical tools in interaction, collaboration, and assessments which can be immediately applied to their own courses. The main goal of the session is to encourage new ways and ideas for getting students excited about the humanities in an online learning environment.

Using Multimedia Solutions for Accessing the Curriculum Through a UDL Lens.

Abstract: Universal design for learning (UDL) is a conceptual framework that looks how one provides instruction for all students. At the core of UDL is the premise that the curriculum is often inaccessible. Thus, the materials and lesson that support the curriculum is not flexible, often poses barriers, and as a result prevents rather than supports optimal learning experiences. However, a stumbling block in incorporating UDL ideas what and how can they be incorporated into a teacher’s pedagogy?

This session will provide participants with ideas and actual means of using UDL strategies using easy to use multimedia programs that facilitate the ideals of multiple means of representation, expression and engagement.

Theoretical Framework Regarding the Usability of Augmented Reality in Open and Distance Learning Systems.

Abstract: Open and Distance Learning (ODL) systems require the use of new and unique technological mediums, and are strengthened this way. Augmented Reality (AR) is an innovative medium which is defined as enriching objects and locations in the physical world using artificial elements. AR, which is applied through various hardware and software components, can also be used in ODL mediums.

However there has not been much research into the usability of this medium. Within this context, benefitting from dimensions of the Universal Design Principles (UDP) and ODL, a theoretical framework would be a useful guide. In this study, the term AR is first defined and its usage areas are investigated. Then we look at studies in which AR and ODL systems are associated. And in the last section, we provide an explanation of UDP and construct the theoretical framework of the study.

Designing Universal Access for Open and Distance Learning through Human Centered Ecological Design (HCED).

Abstract: Open and Distance Learning (ODL) has become an original version of a system contributed with advanced communications technologies. At the core of the system concept, which brought together in order to achieve a common goal, the important point is the common properties and the integrity of the interactive parts to each other as well as the continuity and viability of this integrity.

Before trying to solve, Human Centered Ecological Design (HCED) requires a design approach that incorporates trying to understand the system with particular challenges. The main purpose of this research is to determine the HCED based design recommendations for a living, efficient and sustainable ODL system.

This is qualitative case study. Eleven participants agreed to complete the required three rounds of the survey. The findings helps to build an approach for interactive, efficient, rich and innovative ODL experiences through HCED in the framework universal access principles.